<aside> 💡 This document is deprecated, see Blast Deployment Docs
The deployment process is the same as a typical OP stack chain. The testnet code snapshot this document is based on is the sepolia-testnet
branch of the blast-io/blast
repo: https://github.com/blast-io/blast/commits/sepolia-testnet/
This document is targeted at advanced users that want to build Blast from source. If you’d prefer to run prebuilt docker images, check out this repo here: https://github.com/blast-io/deployment
cd blast-geth/
docker build -t blast-geth .
cd blast-optimism/
# TODO: you can use whatever registry and repository makes sense for your own build process
REGISTRY=blast.io REPOSITORY=blast-optimism docker buildx bake --load -f docker-bake.hcl op-node
openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\\n" > /jwt.txt
geth init \\
--datadir=$GETH_DATA_DIR \\
# TODO: limit RPC methods to only what you need
geth \\
--datadir=$GETH_DATA_DIR \\
--http \\
--http.corsdomain="*" \\
--http.vhosts="*" \\
--http.addr= \\
--http.port=$RPC_PORT \\
--http.api=web3,debug,eth,txpool,net,engine \\
--ws \\
--ws.addr= \\
--ws.port=$WS_PORT \\
--ws.origins="*" \\
--ws.api=debug,eth,txpool,net,engine \\
--authrpc.addr="" \\
--authrpc.port="8551" \\
--authrpc.vhosts="*" \\
--authrpc.jwtsecret=/jwt.txt \\
--syncmode=full \\
--gcmode=archive \\
--nodiscover \\
--maxpeers=0 \\
--rollup.disabletxpoolgossip=true \\
op-node \\
--l1=$L1_RPC_URL \\
--l1.rpckind=$L1_RPC_KIND \\
--l2=ws://blast-geth:8551 \\
--l2.jwt-secret=/jwt.txt \\
--rollup.config=config/rollup.json \\
To fully participate in p2p, please ensure TCP/UDP is allowed on port 9003
and set --p2p.advertise.ip=$PUBLIC_IP