The deployment process is the same as a typical OP stack chain. The code snapshot this document based on is the master branch of the repo.

This document is targeted at advanced users that want to build Blast from source. If you’d prefer to run prebuilt docker images, check out this repo here:

Initial setup

Download Blast genesis.json & rollup.json

In addition to the blast repo above containing blast-geth and blast-optimism, you’ll also need to grab the chain config files from this repo:

git clone [email protected]:blast-io/deployment.git

Use the genesis.json and rollup.json files from the mainnet or sepolia directories depending on the network you want to run.

<aside> 💡 If you’d like to run a sepolia node, you’ll need to use the sepolia-testnet branch of the blast repo. The master branch of the blast repo is not compatible with the Blast Sepolia testnet.


Building the Docker Images


cd blast-geth/
docker build . -t blast-geth


cd blast-optimism/
# This will build image with tag: REPOSITORY=blast-optimism docker buildx bake --load -f docker-bake.hcl op-node

Generate the jwt secret

openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\\n" > /jwt.txt

Initialize the blast-geth data directory

See below for instructions on where to download the genesis.json file.

geth init \\
  --datadir=$GETH_DATA_DIR \\
